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Filtry: Słowo Kluczowe is European Union [Clear All Filters]
The origins of the EU Cohesion Policy: from regional economic development to the place-based approach.
EU Cohesion Policy. A Multidisciplinary Approach. 10-29.
Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto. 50, 141-171.
(2014). Current economic integration tendencies in the MERCOSUR.
Europa Balcanica y los paises de la Cuenca del Mar Negro - MERCOSUR: Dinamicas e interacciones. 101-114.
(2012). The strengthening of the Single European Market in the crisis circumstance.
Faculty of International Business and Economics Working Papers. 2, 1-38.
(2012). The strengthening of the Single European Market vs. the crisis.
Poznań University of Economics Review. 2, 74-106.
(2012). Evolution of Priorities in Higher Education and R&D in the European Union. Case of Poland .
Forum on Public Policy Online. Summer 2008, 1-20.