Current economic integration tendencies in the MERCOSUR

TytułCurrent economic integration tendencies in the MERCOSUR
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2012
Book TitleEuropa Balcanica y los paises de la Cuenca del Mar Negro - MERCOSUR: Dinamicas e interacciones
EditionSlobodan Pajovic, Maria de Monserrat Llairo
PublisherCEISAL Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales de América Latina, MEGATREND Universidad
MiastoBelgrade, Serbia
ISBN Number978-86-7747-459-1
Słowa kluczoweeconomic integration, European Union, Mercosur

The chapter presents the current economic integration processes in the South American continent with special focus on the MERCOSUR and then refers the activities and relations in the process of supporting of regional integration in Latin America by the European Union - the organization that is the most advanced in terms of integration.

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