
Export 185 results:
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Dotti, N. F., Musiałkowska I., Hurtado S. De Gregori, & Walczyk J. (2024).  EU Cohesion Policy. A Multidisciplinary Approach. 380.
Musiałkowska, I., Medeiros E., Potluka O., & Demeterova B. (2024).  EU Cohesion Policy towards territorial cohesion?. Regional Studies. 1-5.
Musiałkowska, I. (2024).  Europejska Unia Zdrowotna. Droga do zrównoważonej gospodarki światowej. 159-172.
Idczak, P. (2024).  Financial engineering instruments for urban investments. EU Cohesion Policy. 145–160.
Idczak, P. (2024).  Gospodarka o obiegu zamkniętym sposobem na efektywne zarządzanie zasobami. Droga do zrównoważonej gospodarki światowej. I, 81–90.
Dotti, N. F., Musiałkowska I., Hurtado S. De Gregori, & Walczyk J. (2024).  Introduction to EU Cohesion Policy: A Multidisciplinary Approach. EU Cohesion Policy. A Multidisciplinary Approach. 1-7.
Dotti, N. F., Musiałkowska I., Hurtado S. De Gregori, & Walczyk J. (2024).  Lessons learnt and main messages. EU Cohesion Policy. A Multidisciplinary Approach. 344–348 .
Idczak, P., Musiałkowska I., & Kociuba D. (2024).  The origins of the EU Cohesion Policy: from regional economic development to the place-based approach. EU Cohesion Policy . 10–29 .
Idczak, P., Musiałkowska I., & Kociuba D. (2024).  The origins of the EU Cohesion Policy: from regional economic development to the place-based approach. EU Cohesion Policy. A Multidisciplinary Approach. 10-29.
Dziembała, M., Musiałkowska I., & Talar S. (2024).  Polskie regiony wobec wyzwań podwójnej transformacji. Polska gospodarka wobec nowych wyzwań w trzeciej dekadzie XXI wieku. 123-138.
Musiałkowska, I., & Idczak P. (2023).  Los proyectos JESSICA como catalizadores del desarrollo urbano sostenible en Polonia. CEPAL Serie Seminarion y Conferencias "Los desafíos de la planificación para el desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe: algoritmos, metodologías y experiencias". 95, 203-222.
Śliwiński, R., & Magdalena Śliwińska (2021).  The competitive factors of German enterprises in Poland. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny. 83(3), 287-299 .
Magdalena Śliwińska, & Śliwiński R. (2021).  Covid-19 disruption of European agri-food markets: The case of Poland. Towards the „new normal” after COVID-19 – a post-transition economy perspective. 177-185.
Wieck, C., Dries L., Martinez-Gomez V., Kareem O. Idowu, Rudloff B., Santeramo F. Gaetano, et al. (2021).  European and Member State Policy Responses and Economic Impacts on AgriFood Markets due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Musiałkowska, I., & Idczak P. (2021).  How Covid-19 impacted the European integration processes? The case of EU Cohesion Policy and budget. Towards the „new normal” after COVID-19 – a post-transition economy perspective. 30-43.
Czyżewska-Misztal, D. (2021).  Lectures: Paquot T (2021) Ecologie des territoires. Transition & biorégions. Terre Urbaine, « La Fabrique de territoires », 194 pages. Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine. 4, 743-745.
Magdalena Śliwińska (2021).  Liderzy sprawiedliwego handlu. Rzeczpospolita. Ekonomia & Rynek, A21.
Idczak, P., Mrozik K., & Musiałkowska I. (2021).  Spatial Distribution of JESSICA Funding Across Polish Municipalities. Perspective of Territorial Dimension of EU Cohesion Policy. Studia Regionalne i Lokalne. 7-20.
Idczak, P., & Mrozik K. (2021).  The Territorial Impacts of JESSICA Projects in Municipalities: Evidence from the City of Poznań. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny. 83(1), 293-307.
Idczak, P., & Musiałkowska I. (2021).  Urban Regeneration as a Specific Type of Public Policy Response to Urban Decline. The Case of Poland. Open Political Science. 4(1), 204-218.
Magdalena Śliwińska (2020).  Fair Trade Movement and Market Development for Decent Work and Economic Growth. Decent Work and Economic Growth. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Musiałkowska, I., Idczak P., & Potluka O. (2020).  Introduction. Successes & Failures in EU Cohesion Policy: An Introduction to EU cohesion policy in Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe. 1-8.
Musiałkowska, I., & Idczak P. (2020).  JESSICA Initiative to Support Sustainable Urban Development Projects in Poland. Successes & Failures in EU Cohesion Policy: An Introduction to EU cohesion policy in Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe. 173–204.
