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Filtry: Autor is Piotr Idczak and Słowo Kluczowe is Poland [Clear All Filters]
Los proyectos JESSICA como catalizadores del desarrollo urbano sostenible en Polonia.
CEPAL Serie Seminarion y Conferencias "Los desafíos de la planificación para el desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe: algoritmos, metodologías y experiencias". 95, 203-222.
Spatial Distribution of JESSICA Funding Across Polish Municipalities. Perspective of Territorial Dimension of EU Cohesion Policy.
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne. 7-20.
(2021). Urban Regeneration as a Specific Type of Public Policy Response to Urban Decline. The Case of Poland.
Open Political Science. 4(1), 204-218.
(2021). Is the JESSICA initiative truly repayable instrument? The Polish case study.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu. 142-151.
(2018). Non-profit leadership at local level: Reflections from Central and Eastern Europe.
Local Economy. 32(4), 297-315.
(2017). The use of repayable financial instruments in the process of regeneration of degraded urban areas on the example of the JESSICA initiative.
Changes and Challenges in the Modern World Economy. 1, 115-136.
(2016). Assessment of the System of Project Selection under the Cohesion Policy "The Case of the Wielkopolska Region".
Evaluační teorie a praxe. 2014(2), 69-98.
(2014). The Priorities of Poland’s Presidency in the Council of the European Union.
Przegląd Zachodni. Polska Niemcy Europa. Special Issue. Special Issue, 287-307.