Privacy Policy

In the accordance to article 13 of UE regulation on personal data protection (2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016) (GDPR), we inform you that:

  1. The Administrator of your personal data is Poznań University of Economics and Business (PUEB), Al. Niepodleglosci 10, 61-875 Poznań, Poland.
  2. The PUEB Personal Data Protection Inspector is Jacek Łuczak, tel. +48 602 394 161, e-mail:
  3. Your personal data will be processed solely with the purpose of the organization of the International Conference 'Quo vadis, Europe? 15 years after the biggest enlargement of the European Union', which will take place in April 11th, 2018 in Poznań.
  4. Your personal data will be processed based on your consent provided.
  5. Your personal data will be accessed by third parties responsible for the Conference, controlling organs if applicable.
  6. Your personal data will be processed only during the time necessary to organize the conference or until the withdrawal of your consent.
  7. You have the right to withdraw your consent for data processing by PUEB at any time. Data processing before your consent withdrawal remains legal.
  8. You have the right to ask the administrator to access, change, move or remove your personal data on terms regulated by GDPR.
  9. The administrator does not use automatic profiling of personal data.
  10. You have the right to file a complaint to the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection in Warsaw, Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw.
  11. Your data may also be processed regardless your consent in case of legal inquiry or legal claims.