Call for papers
We ask the authors to prepare the texts in accordance with the following editorial requirements:
- Polish or English language, according to the APA style,
- texts should contain 36-38 thousand characters with spaces and footnotes (tables and figures), font - Times New Roman 12 points, margins: standard, line spacing: 1.5 lines,
- the paper should be accompanied by short summary (about 1200 characters with spaces) and key words (JEL),
- summary should specify the aim of the article, research problem, hypotheses and research methods,
- required structure: author (authors), title, introduction, chapters, summary / conclusions, bibliography,
- author's name at the beginning of the article, before the title, affiliation of the author in the lower footnote,
- the submitted text should be accompanied by data about the author, correspondence address, telephone numbers and institutional email address, as well as the ORCID number.
The final decision about directing an article for publication in a journal or monograph will be taken by the Scientific Council of the Conference, however the paper must pass the review process, which proceeds independently from the conference organizers. In case of receiving negative reviews and rejection of the article, the organizers do not refund the conference fee.
Authors of papers qualified for publication in one of the journals will be required to adjust the paper to editorial requirements of a given journal. This means that they will be asked to adapt their texts to the editorial standards of the target publishing house. Guidelines for authors can be found on the following pages: