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(2018). EU–China Regional Policy Dialogue: Unpacking the Mechanisms of an Unlikely Policy Transfer.
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(2018). Introduction: drawing lessons from international policy-transfer initiatives in regional and urban development and spatial planning.
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(2018). New generation trade agreements - an economic challenge for the European Union and its members - the example of CETA.
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(2018). Ocena dopasowania projektów realizowanych w ramach inicjatywy Jessica do potrzeb występujących na obszarach miejskich.
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(2018). Periurbanisation – evidence from Polish metropolitan areas.
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(2018). Polityka ochrony konkurencji i konsumenta.
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(2018). Subnational Development Policy as the Area of Common Interest Under the One Belt, One Road Initiative? The Case of Regional Policy-Making in Poland.
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(2018). The capacity of ecosystem services in small water retention measures.
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(2017). Fundusze europejskie w finansowaniu rozwoju regionalnego i lokalnego przez samorząd terytorialny w Polsce.
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(2017). International Development of German Enterprises on the example of the Wielkopolska Region.
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(2017). Non-profit leadership at local level: Reflections from Central and Eastern Europe.
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(2017). Polityka rozwoju regionalnego jako płaszczyzna oddziaływania UE w sferach prawa i ekonomii. Teraźniejszość i perspektywy.
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