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Musiałkowska, I., & Talaga R. (2013).  LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EU FUNDS 2007-2013 IN POLAND – PRACTICE AND CHALLENGES. Regionalisation and Inter-regional Co-operation. 21th NISPAcee Annual Conference.
Musiałkowska, I. (2018).  Subnational Development Policy as the Area of Common Interest Under the One Belt, One Road Initiative? The Case of Regional Policy-Making in Poland. The Belt & Road Initiative in the Global Arena.. 141-161.
Musiałkowska, I., & Przybylska J. (2012).  Financing of Cultural Activities by the Public Authorities. Case of Poland.. X Conference ‘European Culture’ 2009. 107-116.
Musiałkowska, I. (2017).  Implementation of European Union law in Poland. Common Values. Discussing German and Polish Perceptions of European Integration. 179-192.
Musiałkowska, I., & Przybylska J. (2009).  Identyfying training needs of employees as a part of human recources management - cultural institutions case study. Scientific Journal of University of Szczecin: Service Management . 4, 125-131.
Musiałkowska, I. (2009).  Evolution of Priorities in Higher Education and R&D in the European Union. Case of Poland . Forum on Public Policy Online. Summer 2008, 1-20.
Musiałkowska, I., & Idczak P. (2016).  The use of repayable financial instruments in the process of regeneration of degraded urban areas on the example of the JESSICA initiative. Changes and Challenges in the Modern World Economy. 1, 115-136.
Musiałkowska, I., & Talaga R. (2011).  Kontrola wydatkowania środków z funduszy strukturalnych jako element zarządzania procesem rozwoju regionalnego w Polsce. Studia Komitetu Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju (KPZK) PAN. 140/2011(Perspektywy rozwoju regionalnego Polski w okresie programowania po 2013 r. Cz. II ), 297-311.
Musiałkowska, I., & Idczak P. (2018).  Is the JESSICA initiative truly repayable instrument? The Polish case study. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu. 142-151.
Musiałkowska, I., & Idczak P. (2023).  Los proyectos JESSICA como catalizadores del desarrollo urbano sostenible en Polonia. CEPAL Serie Seminarion y Conferencias "Los desafíos de la planificación para el desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe: algoritmos, metodologías y experiencias". 95, 203-222.