Introduction. Setting the stage by exploring different perspectives on sustainable development

TitleIntroduction. Setting the stage by exploring different perspectives on sustainable development
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsSzypulewska-Porczyńska, A., Burgiel-Szewc A., Grybś-Kabocik M., Horodecka A., Kacprowicz A., Makulski T., Radomska E., Szewc T., Magdalena Śliwińska, Vozna L., Ziomek A., Zrałek J., & Zrałek J.
Book TitleCollective Sustainable Consumption. The Case of Poland
EditionAnna Horodecka, Alina Szypulewska-Porczyńska
CityLondyn, Nowy Jork
KeywordsFair Trade, responsible consumption, sustainability, sustainable consumption, sustainable development