Volume 14, Number 4, 2014 Poznan University of Economics Review

2014-12-19 22:38

The new Volume 14, Number 4, 2014 of the Poznan University of Economics Review, is focused on European integration and the results of the biggest enlargement of the European Union in 2004. This is the second out of two numbers of the journal dedicated to the challenges of integration and the output of the "Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence" project implemented by the European Studies Department of the Poznan University of Economics. Co-editors of the issue are: prof. Ewa Małuszyńska, dr. Grzegorz Mazur and dr. Ida Musiałkowska from the European Studies Department.

To access the number see: http://www.puereview.ue.poznan.pl/TocPage.php?Volume=14&Number=4&Year=2014
