PUEB Rector Awards

2018-11-12 14:26

On October18 2018 the Rector of the Poznań University of Economics and Business awarded two individual research awards to Dr.Grzegorz Mazur for his monograph "Wspólna polityka handlowa Unii Europejskiej” (Common trade policy of the European Union") and to Dr. Łukasz Wróblewski for his monograph „Koncepcja pięciostopniowej integracji regionów przygranicznych. Ocena stopnia integracji miast na pograniczu polsko-niemieckim” ("The concept ot five-stage integration of cross-border regions. The assessment of the level of integration of the cities located at the Polish-German border areas"). Both books were published by Difin Publishing House in 2017.
The team award was given to Mrs. Anna Dybiona-Jaroni for her work supporting the functioning of the Department of European Studies.
Congratulations to all!
