Fair Trade, czyli Sprawiedliwy Handel – w kierunku zrównoważonej gospodarki rynkowej
Title | Fair Trade, czyli Sprawiedliwy Handel – w kierunku zrównoważonej gospodarki rynkowej |
Publication Type | Book Chapter |
Year of Publication | 2024 |
Authors | Magdalena Śliwińska |
Book Title | Droga do zrównoważonej gospodarki światowej |
Edition | udyta Cabańska, Dorota Czyżewska-Misztal, Grzegorz Mazur |
Publisher | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu |
City | Poznań |
ISBN | 978-83-8211-244-3 |
Keywords | odpowiedzialna konsumpcja, odpowiedzialna produkcja, Sprawiedliwy Handel, zrównoważona transformacja, zrównoważony rozwój |
Abstract | The aim of this chapter is to explain the role of Fair Trade movement and market in transition towards a sustainable market economy. To achieve this goal, first the idea, definitions and aims of Fair Trade are analysed. Second, on that basis the role of Fair Trade in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is explored. Third, it is analysed in which way the Fair Trade certification schemes introduce on the market values important for sustainable development. And fourth, is explained how the sustainable business models of Fair Trade enterprises being the members of World Fair Trade Organization may contribute to sustainable transition. It is concluded that Fair Trade initiative plays an important role in transition towards sustainable market economy, introducing such values as responsibility, altruism and solidarity directly into the market in various ways. On the one hand, Fair Trade organisations undertake social actions aimed at making the society, i.e. consumers and politicians, aware of global challenges and the possibility of counteracting them both through responsible consumer decisions and the creation of certain top-down regulations conducive to the realization of SDGs. On the other hand, the very existence of this market influences the awareness of all market participants, thanks to advertisements for Fair Trade products, showing what socially responsible production is all about, and what kind of problems are counteracted by sustainable business models like Fair Trade enterprises, or the use of Fair Trade product certifications. |
DOI | 10.18559/978-83-8211-245-0/18 |