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Filters: Author is Ida Musiałkowska and Keyword is EU cohesion policy [Clear All Filters]
EU-China and EU-Brazil policy transfer and learning in regional development policy.
Regions Magazine. 296(1), 13-15.
(2014). How Covid-19 impacted the European integration processes? The case of EU Cohesion Policy and budget.
Towards the „new normal” after COVID-19 – a post-transition economy perspective. 30-43.
(2021). EU Cohesion Policy towards territorial cohesion?.
Regional Studies. 1-5.
(2024). Introduction to EU Cohesion Policy: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
EU Cohesion Policy. A Multidisciplinary Approach. 1-7.
(2024). Lessons learnt and main messages.
EU Cohesion Policy. A Multidisciplinary Approach. 344–348 .