Agregator kanałów

EU leaders mull ways to arrest bloc's economic decline

EUobserver - wt., 2024-04-16 20:33
With Europe falling behind the US and losing ground to China, the special European Council will focus mainly on Europe's economic competitiveness in the global arena. But talks will also cover Ukraine, Turkey and the Middle East.
Kategorie: News

Police ordered to end far-right 'Nat-Con' Brussels conference

EUobserver - wt., 2024-04-16 16:08
The controversial far-right "National Conservatism" conference taking place in Brussels was ordered to halt at the behest of the local neighbourhood mayor — in what critics described as a publicity victory for the populist right.
Kategorie: News

Fundusze Europejskie dla Dolnego Śląska 2021-2027 - wyniki oceny projektu w naborze niekonkurencyjnym w działaniu 2.6 Gospodarka ściekowa - ZIT

Fundusze Europejskie - wt., 2024-04-16 15:10
15 kwietnia 2024 r. Zarząd Województwa Dolnośląskiego podjął uchwałę, zgodnie z którą do dofinansowania ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach programu Fundusze Europejskie dla Dolnego Śląska 2021-2027 dla Priorytetu 2 Fundusze Europejskie na rzecz...
Kategorie: News_funds

[Opinion] How Hungary's teachers are taking on Viktor Orban

EUobserver - wt., 2024-04-16 12:52
Orban and his administration are pursuing a strategy of running-down public education in Hungary. They have been explicit in their aims and how their assault on 'non-Christian' teachers is a small price to pay for the cultural shift they want.
Kategorie: News

[Column] What do we actually mean by EU 'competitiveness'?

EUobserver - wt., 2024-04-16 12:52
Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi are coming up with reports on the EU's single market and competitiveness — but although 'competitiveness' has become a buzzword, there's no consensus on a definition for what it actually means.
Kategorie: News

New EU envoy Markus Pieper quits before taking up post

EUobserver - wt., 2024-04-16 09:20
Markus Pieper has decided not to take up his role as the EU's small and medium-sized enterprises envoy, in a surprise U-turn following strong criticism over his appointment.
Kategorie: News

EU puts Sudan war and famine-risk back in spotlight

EUobserver - pon., 2024-04-15 16:13
The EU is hoping to put the international spotlight back on Sudan amid a war where half the population is at risk of famine. And Josep Borrell, EU foreign policy chief, also warned of Russia's presence in the country.
Kategorie: News

EU to blacklist Israeli settlers, after new sanctions on Hamas

EUobserver - pon., 2024-04-15 15:24
EU states are planning to impose, for the first time, visa-bans and asset-freezes on six extremist settlers on Friday (19 April) in a bid to chill Israeli aggression.
Kategorie: News

[Opinion] Private fears of fairtrade activist for EU election campaign

EUobserver - pon., 2024-04-15 15:00
I am not sleeping well, tossing and turning at night because I am obsessed about the EU election campaign, worried by geopolitical tensions, a far-right next parliament, and a backlash against the Green Deal, writes Sophie Aujean of Fairtrade International.
Kategorie: News

Postępy w realizacji programów na lata 2014-2020 oraz 2021-2027 - stan na 14 kwietnia 2024 roku

Fundusze Europejskie - pon., 2024-04-15 13:15
Programy operacyjne na lata 2014-2020 Z unijnym dofinansowaniem realizowanych jest 103 010 inwestycji o łącznej wartości 594,8 mld zł. Wnioski o dofinansowanie Według danych wygenerowanych z systemu teleinformatycznego SL2014, od uruchomienia programów do 14 kwietnia 2024 roku złożono 200 481...
Kategorie: News_funds

Brussels venue ditches far-right conference after public pressure

EUobserver - pon., 2024-04-15 12:55
The Concert Noble venue pulled out of the conference featuring far-right figureheads like Eric Zemmour and Viktor Orbán after public pressure from activists
Kategorie: News

[Feature] How German police pulled the plug on a Gaza conference

EUobserver - pon., 2024-04-15 11:20
Within hours of the Palestine Congress opening in Berlin, police armed with pistols and batons imposed a ban on the congress — lasting the entire weekend.
Kategorie: News

[Agenda] EU special summit, MEPs prep work, social agenda This WEEK

EUobserver - pon., 2024-04-15 07:00
EU leaders gather in Brussels for a special two-day summit this week, while MEPs will prepare for the last plenary session of the legislature. In Italy, G7 foreign affairs ministers will convene from Wednesday to Friday.
Kategorie: News

EU leaders condemn Iran, urge Israeli restraint

EUobserver - ndz., 2024-04-14 23:00
Major Western nations have condemned Iran's retaliatory strike on Israel, with EU foreign ministers to hold snap talks on Tuesday amid fears of escalation.
Kategorie: News

UK-EU deal on Gibraltar only 'weeks away'

EUobserver - pt., 2024-04-12 19:37
EU and UK negotiators said that a new post-Brexit settlement for Gibraltar was just weeks away from completion following four-way talks in Brussels on Friday (12 April).
Kategorie: News

Belgium declares war on MEPs who took Russian 'cash'

EUobserver - pt., 2024-04-12 19:30
Belgian spies have evidence MEPs took Russian money, Belgium's prime minister has said, while announcing a potentially explosive judicial inquiry.
Kategorie: News
